Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wordless Wednesday...

Well... not totally wordless, you know me! Here I is, a'sleepin on da back of da couch, belly up, the better to get belly rubs. Fur those of y'all who asked abouts my itchies, the sublingual allergy therapy seems to be helpin' me some... my paws aren't so red and da hair is comin' back in! Hopefully, they will keep workin' and I'll be my fluffy self once agin...


  1. Aww Finley, it's good to hear that it's helping! Still wishing you didn't need it to help in the first place!

  2. Sleepy time grrl.
    Glad the therapy stuff is startin to wurk.
    Wait a minute. If yur hairs grow back, won't they start strippin yu?
    Whut a dee-lim-a.

  3. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! I hope it keeps on werkin', Finwey! Gess whut! I r geddin' a shot once a week! Da stuff r called Staphage Lysate an' I r geddin' it cuz da Dermatowogist Bet finks I r 'llergik tu my LWD body's weackshun tu bactewia...or sumfing! Anywayz, Dadda gibs me da shot, fowwowed by a weal big snack afturwards. I r ok wif it cuz I hab no more itchies!
    Anywayz, keep up da gud werk, sweet gurl. Duz da pool water helb, tu??

    1. Oh HunBun, dat are great news! I usta get an allergy shot once a week, but the holistic vet re-tested me (by a blood sample) and wanted to try the sublinguals because some pups have better results with them. I's still itchy, but not as bad... With what I've got, the best is probably comfortably itchy, as my vet calls it.
      And for some reason (probably da chlorine), my skin duz get better in the summer with bein' in da pool...

  4. Lookin cute buddy! Now stop tryin to steal my kitty foodz!

    1. Whut? Me??? Steal kitty food? Don't know whut yer talkin' 'bout, Travis!

  5. That is great news Finley! I hope your itchies go away and stay away! Stubbs lays on his back too. Not me, I have to be ready to jump up and check on any noise. But you do look comfy!

    1. I've always been partial to belly up position...

  6. Hope ya keeps gettin more hair BFF!

  7. You are still one cute chica.

    Aroo to you,

  8. Sometimes...I lay belly up...sometimes is the operative word. BOL!
    I like to lay stretched out with the back paws long behind me and the front paws long in front...and I can get up in a wink! To WOOF!

    1. Yep, belly up don't slow me down, either, Freckles... I still can get to barkin' in a flash!

  9. We think you are adorable no matter what Finley!!

    Dory, Jakey, Arty and Bilbo
    PeeEss..Arty has bad allergies too...NOT fun!!

    1. Thanks, pups... and I feels fur ya Arty... allergies are NOT fun at all!!!


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