Saturday, August 15, 2015

Eight Photos of Happiness

Don't faint, y'all... I ackshually got my lazy Momma to write me 2 posts in a week!! Yeah, I knows, ya coulda knocked me ovfur wiff a feather!!

About a bajillion years or months or sumthin' ago, my BFF, Whitley, nominated me to do da Eight Photos of Happiness Challenge. And now, da kitties ovfur at Lone Star Cats, have nominated me, too... guess dey thought my slacka-day-sickle Momma needed remindin' to get her heinie in gear!! Thanks fur nominatin' me, Whitley and kitties--Travis, Crockett (my brofur) and Angelique!!

Here are da guidelines of dis challenge . . .

1.  Fank your nominator(s) and link dem to da post. Check!
2.  Link to da creator of da tag, Ariel's Little Corner of the Internet.  Ok, done!
3.  Post your eight photos of happiness.
4.  Pop in a brief descripshun of da photo, why ya chose it, or just let da photo do da talkin'.... like I'd let a photo talk fur me when I can yap it up myself!!
5.  Spread da happiness and tag up to ten other bloggers!

So here are my photos...

Springtime in Texas makes me happy.... I's not real fond of winter, and nuthin' sez Texas Springtime like a big ole field of bluebonnets... da smell is intoxicatin'... and we takes road trips to git to 'em... so it's doubly-good!

Nuthin' makes me happier dan a new toy.... I's known as da Queen of Toys 'round here... I can smell 'em when dey brings 'em into da house and I's been known to try and make off wiff da whole bag of 'em from da pet store!! And I luvs me a good tug toy... tug is just about my favoritest game-- but I luvs to fetch, too!

Here I is, on da right, with my BFF, Whitley... she makes me happy cuz she is my buddy. Plus, her heinie makes a nice pillow...bol, bol!

Dis is me and Whitley doin' whut we calls "Westie Pawtee"-- we lies on our backs and wiggles all ovfur da place... it feels so good and it is great to have a buddy to pawtee down wiff!

Here I is, combinin' two thangs dat make me happy... beggin' fur handouts wiff a roadtrip... every fur know da people fud is way better than whatevfur dog food they tries to feed us! Could you resist dat face?? Momma can't... bol, bol!!

Here I is, chillin' in my backyard... bein' in da backyard is one of my favoritest thangs in da whole wide world... See how nice my furs usta look 'fore my allergeez got so bad?

I's chewin' on a Texas Toothpick here... dey always makes me happy... dey is one of my favoritest treats!

Dis is me on da right playin' pool ball wiff Whitley... I don't play as much as Whitley ( she is super nutso fur pool ball) but I duz like playin' sumtimes... 

Road trips make me happy... and nuthin' is better dan goin' on a road trip with your BFF.... I've heard rumors dat we may be goin' on a beach road trip in a month or so...

And I knows dat is 9 photos instead of 8... but whut can I say?? I's a rule-breaker... a Bad Ass, as it were... 

I's taggin'...

3. Daisy
6. Wyatt
8. Ranger
10. Duncan

If ya duzn't wants to do it, dat's okay.... but I sure would like seein' dose photos... can ya really resist dis face??

Bark ya later, gators....

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Finally... a post! And a farewell to a gud furiend, Puff Darby....

Howdy, pals... long time no bark. Part of dat is cuz I wuz deserted by my Momma and Daddy last week. 

Yep, dey just up and left me and Crockett all on our lonesum, to starve and die of loneliness......

Well, okay, dey left us wiff Whitley and Travis and der Momma, Kim, to take care of us (and Ally and Angelique were here too.)

So we wuzn't alone eggsactly.

But we wuz deserted. At furst I thought we wuz gonna be desserted wiff 2 "esses" and I wuz hopin' fur Key Lime Pie or Lemon Merr-ang.... but no such luck.

We had to go into Whit's room at night and share her Momma. She is Backup Momma, or Momma #2 as I calls her... Crockett figgered it out real qwick and we startin' suckin' up, I mean cozyin' up to her right away... Hey, when ya is deserted by yer folkses, ya gots to find who is in charge of da fud supply and make sure ya gits yer rashuns, ya know? Her room looked like Grand Central Stayshun fur cats and dogs...bol, bol... like a giant sleep-ovfur fur critters..

Momma and Daddy went to Key Biscayne, Florida... Daddy had sum bizzeeness dere and Momma went along fur sum unknown reezun... I mean, dere is no reezun gud enuff to leave yers truly and Crockett, too, ya know?

Here's sum photos frum Florida... 'pparently dey grows da lizards real big down dere.... like dey is a foot of two feets long!!! Wouldn't doze be fun to chase and bark? Did she bring us back one as a soo-veneer? NO. She did not. Da nerve of dat woman. NO sooveneers at all.  Humphhh....

Apparently, dere wuz a storm dere Saturday night.... 

But it cleared da beach off fur Sunday...

I told Momma dat da next beach she goes to she better take me and Whitley and it better have bigger waves and more burds fur us to bark at dan dis beach did... and maybe sum crabs or other critters to dig up...

Whitley luvs diggin' in da sand-- she becomes one sandy mess, dat's fur shure!

Oh a very sad note, our gud buddy, who we has known fur years frum Dogster and now is here on Blogger, Puff Darby or Puffy is goin' to da Rainbow Bridge... if y'all could go by his page and say yer good-byes, well, dat would help his folks at dis difficult time. 

We is gonna miss ya, Puffy

Bark ya later, gators....