Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Well, me and Whitley is still single.... Enid popped back up after bein' MIA fur a coupla months or years or sumthin, and Bertie informed me his heart belongs to Addi. Have you pups gotta a look at Addi? She looks like dat pit bull that chomped on da back of my neck while I wuz in my own front yard.... it wouldn't let go, and Daddy had to drop kick it offa me or I'd be toast. I wuz a'screamin' and Daddy knew it wuz tryin' to kill me, so he dropped kicked dat pit bull like he wuz scorin' da winnin' field goal! I digresses, but ya gets my drift of why I is skeered of a pup like Addi. While I do think Bertie is a real cutiepie, dere are a lot of fishes in da sea, and most of dem don't come with a great white shark attached!! If he prefers a gal whose breed is known fur bein' a gassy lassie, eatin' udder animals, and excessive droolin' instead of a cute lil scottish lassie from da highlands who he could go on varmint killin' expeditions with (notice I said varmints, not kitties or pups), well, there's no accountin' fur taste or da lack dereof....

So I's footloose and fancy-free...  I have some fun bein' single, flirtin' with cuties like Zaidiecakes or Sully or Jack Freckles, so many boy pups, so lil time-- like my Momma sez, life's a banquet, and most poor suckers is starvin' to death!...

Yep, da single life's fur me!

In udder news, y'all mighta heerd we gots us a new kitten! My Momma picked him out and he are real sweet. But cuz he's tiny, us pups is strictly snoopervised when 'round him. Whitley is her usual kitty-besotted self and I wish I could sniff him more than I gets to, but I think he'll do.... he seems like a keeper. His name is Crockett... my Texas pals will get why. We had Travis, now Crockett... guess if there's any more kitties added they will get names like Bowie and Houston and Lamar... bol!
Here's some photos of da lil guy and yours truly....

Me tryin' to get a good sniff da furst day he wuz home while he wuz in Whit's Momma's lap....

While he wuz sleepin' in Momma's arms, I wuz givin'  her dis face...

Can I sniff his heinie agin, Momma? Whadda mean, "No..."?

Cute, ain't he? I don't know when Whitley is gonna quit actin' like a groupie, though... that gal sure duz luv da kitties....

Bark ya later, gators...


  1. Well, we know Addi (aka Dogzilla) and she only roughs up stuffies. However, if you're messin' around with Bertie, no tellin' what she'd do.

    That kitty is VERY chaseable in our opinion.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

    1. Well, he are cute, but I'll take a pass... she looks just like da pup whut tried to eat me and I ain't gonna chance it. "Dogzilla"? Well, dat kinda sez it all! Yikes!
      No kitty chasin' allowed 'round here...well, when they's older sumtimes we play tag, but he are just a lil feller...

  2. Hmmm, if'n this blog is about you there sure are more Crockett pics than of you, BOL!!
    OMD! Growlmy is all gooey and gushing over him...hey, you could make him your boyfurend, some men do prefur older women, you know...BOL!

    I think I am a single pup too...growlmy doesn't need any more excitement that she already has...tee-hee...
    When we had wee kittens here (Pipo & Minko), I was banned from being near them much, too...I sure do understand your furstrations...I would eat them up growlmy said...what?

    1. We's always been 'round kitties, and da folks don't really think we'd harm him, but he tries to play with us, and we might play a lil too much-- so we's kinda banned from playin' right now. I did get to sleep in Momma's lap while he wuz asleep up on her chest...dat were nice. I miss my Jez cat...

  3. Dat lil kitten are pretty fun, I just needs to get him to stop hissin.


    1. I think he's just skeered cuz you and Maurice is so big!!

  4. Yeah, well, I got ditched for da skinny supermodel type, sob sob sob. Hee hee!

    HunBun are a cutie. And Freckles and Sully. And Stuart and Mitch and Wyatt. Yep, dere are a lotta cuties out dere.

  5. Crikey Whitley .... you're not ditched .... Finley either. We got another date next year haven't we? My Enid's a bit of a tease, I think but ..... I'm sooooooooo smitten.I just can't seem to think straight when she's around. I get very confused.
    Crikey Finley that great white shark comment made me choke on my chicken necks. too funny!!
    Crockett looks pretty much settled in, aye? Awfully cute!!!!

    1. Maybe next time y'all can all come to Texas for an armadillo hunt, hee hee!

  6. Crikey Finley ..... I forgot ...... it's your Birthday tomorrow, aye?? Have a great day. Hope you get spoiled big time!! Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Finley, happy birthday to you!!!!!!!!

  7. Bein foot loosed is the bestest way to go. I had me a boypup ofur on the Dogster place an it sure put a crimp in my style! I hadta dump him. Plus, I'm Daddy's grrl.

    That lil Travis is sure a QTPie, fur sure.

    1. I did, too, Zoe... he asked me and then he furgot my birthday. He was dumped, finito, ovfur!! Nobody treats dis gal like dat!

  8. I'm a single too... I only have my dad's pillow :o) your kitty brother is super cute, I love the color of his fur :o) butt to sniff his butt could end in a CATtastrophe, they are not really familiar with the greeting rituals of dogs :o)

  9. What a cute kitty-brother you have! I'm sure when he gets bigger your momma will let you get a few more good sniffs in on him!

  10. Oh Finley I just cracked up reading your post. I know addi is uhhh large and clumsy and yep, gassy for sure and I always call her Dog-zilla but never thought of her as a Great white shark!!! BOL
    Yep Bertie and Addi are 2 peas in a pod. I think you will find some cute dude so I wouldnt worry! Your kitty is cute and I would love to chase it around, i'm just sayin


    1. Well, if ya chased one of my kitties, I'd have to get all snarly at ya... us westie gals protects our kitties... nobuddy disturbs da peace 'round here 'cept us!!

      Addi may be sweet as pie to you, Jazzi, but she reminds me of dat skeery dawg dat wanted to kills me... so a great white is what she is to me!!

    2. A gassy great white.... if one end didn't kills me, da udder one would!!

  11. Well Finley, some pup is going to be a lucky fellow, for sure. But I think it's for the best that our relationship stays plutonic…
    Oh and what a shame that you do not seem to appreciate my girl Addi's many splendid qualities. She is such a magnificent lass, indeed she is.
    Toodle pip!

    1. Sorry, Bertie, but she looks like she would eat me fur lunch... or high tea, cuz I's little and would only be a snack...

  12. Crikey Finley ....I just found out it was Godzilla's (alias the great white) birthday the same day as yours. OMD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's that mean?????????????????

    1. It's yin and yang at work, Charlie, yin and yang...

  13. finley....werd on de streetz N alley wayz iz itz yur birthday sew we stopped bye ta wish ewe best fishes, dog biscuit dishes N happee day wishes....hope yur day iz rockin fun N heerz two a grate yeer ahead filled with happee nezz & health !! ♥♥♥

    and heerz two a gopher rockfish kinda week oh end, N be safe if ewe travel ♥♥

    1. You has a shrimp and crabcake kinda week-end yourselves, tabbies!!


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