Monday, October 27, 2014

A Limerick fur Kyla

Kyla da Scot is a wise-crackin' pup
Her quips and comments always crack me up
So I's not gonna be sad
I's gonna try to be glad
Here's to Kyla--all raise up yer cup!

Today we's been celebratin' our furiend, Kyla, who we all hopes is gonna defy all dem doctor's and be wiff us fur quite some time....

But we wanted to celebrate her while she can enjoy da pawtee wiff us and pawticipate! Me and Whitley are hosting da pub fur dis occashun and we's stocked up on libashuns!!

So head on ovfur to Whitley's page fur some liquid refreshments if ya hasn't already... or c'mon back fur second, or thirds...

And since I missed out on da floral deliveries due to my secrementary's failings, I wanted to send dese flowers to Kyla... a bluebonnet bouquet from deep in da heart of Texas wiff luv and affeckshun from deep in my heart to her... In fact, I's sendin' ya an entire field of bluebonnets, Kyla!

(Now if I can just figger out how to load an entire field into a truck....)

Bark ya later, gators!


  1. Pawsome limerick BFF!

    Loadin dat field, well I think dat will rekwire some diggin and we are just da terrierists to do it!

  2. What a great limerick...and we just know Kyla is going to love the Bluebonnets!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty and Bilbo

  3. Great limerick Finley! We just love the Bluebonnets in the Spring! Did you know there are Maroonbonnets, too? Pretty pawsome.

    Braeden, Seth and Riley

    1. Ya mean Aggiebonnets? Yeah, those ain't so popular in dis house, hook 'em horns! MOL MOL!

    2. Maroon??? Whut da woof??? Why would anyone want maroon?? Bol!!

  4. Fin, you got more talent than most.

    Aroo to you,

    1. Thanks, Sully.

      Course, dependin' on who ya is comparin' me to, ya might be damnin' me wiff faint praise....bol! bol!!

  5. OMD, that was PAWSOME!!!! And hey, if you need a truck for those blooms, Blogville has wiped out my Margarita Truck...I thinks they will fit !
    Oh, except Puddles is drivin'...that could be troubles!!! Just sayin'...
    Ruby ♥

    1. I think I'll rent me a big rig, Ruby... not sure Puddles is in any condishun to drive!

  6. Great limerick and lovely flowers Finley. I'm sure they will make Kyla and her family smile.
    Toodle pip!
    Bertie (still standing, just, after a comprehensive whisky sampling session at the bar….)

    1. Thanks, Bertie! And thanks fur droppin' by our pub and helpin' us celebrate Kyla!

  7. We NEARLY missed the flower delivery...SHE's so slack. But we're sure Kyla will be smiling at your poem and field of flowers.

  8. Those are some very beautifuls flowers you've got there for Kyla, I'm sure she'll luff them.
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  9. That was a great tribute fur your good furend, Finley!
    Did ya do a bottoms up after wards? All that brainwork needs energy!

    1. My energy is so depleted, I furgot to hit that notify me button...


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