Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Well, puppers and kitties, it's been a regular waterworks 'round here today... as I wrote in my earlier post, our Maurice is very sick. Our regular vet, Dr. Shawn, called up Momma 'round noontime and wanted her to come get Maurice and take him to da internist-- so he could get an ultrasound ASAP.

So she and Whit's Momma and Maurice's Momma went and got Maurice and took him to da internist.  Da electricity was off in dat nayborhood and people were just breezin' thru da non-workin' lights instead of stoppin' like it was a 4 way stop like they's supposed to... twits.

So dey got dere and trudged up da stairs (no elevator since no electricity) and den da waitin' commenced cuz dere wuz no electricity to do an ultrasound wiff.... just when dey wuz gonna give up and go home, it came back on. It was on fur a half hour and went off agin.... luckily, dey had done Maurice's ultrasound in dat time... and draw some of da fluid dat had been accumulatin' in his tummy area for tests.

Now some of you who has kitties may be aware of a rare but deadly condition called FIP-- well, dat's whut dey fink Maurice has... all da symptoms fit. Da test probably won't be back until Monday...

If it's FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) dere ain't much dey can do for Maurice... right now he's on steroids and Baytril to maybe help some. But it's a fatal disease, and he may only have a matter of weeks, if that....

So ev'rybuddy 'round here is beyond sad... and wiff some udder bad news his Momma got last week, well, it's just too %$(*&^%$# unfair-- dat Maurice and his Momma are quite da pair-- he spoons her when she is sleepin' and gives ev'rybuddy who picks him up a hug-- honest he duz, he puts a paw on each side of da neck and just tucks his head under their chin... it are beyond sweet... She is also purdy short, just shy of 5 feet tall, and dat Maurice he is one long dude... 42" from nose to tip of tail... so when she held him she really had to boost him up to her shoulder... made him look evfun gianter dan he is....

So y'all will forgive us if we ain't on too much in da comin' days or weeks.... we is gonna be spendin' all da time we can wiff da Mo Man...

Love ya, big guy....

Bark ya later, gators..........


  1. Not a problem...lets hope it AIN"T that...sending over our bestest POTP!

    The Mad Scots

  2. Aww im so so sorry. Hopefully they will find something that they can do for him. He is mighty handsome

    1. He is such a pretty and sweet kitty.... if love could save him, he would be fine...

  3. Mauwice r a one-ob-a-kind guy, dat r fur shur, Finwey. We r finkin' 'bout all ob yu an' hopin' fur da bestest. Hang tuff, lil' guy <3

  4. Finley, I will be praying for the best for Maurice and for the family.

    Aroo to you,

  5. Oh noes. I'm so sorry. I hopes that it is something else that can be treated. I am sendin' TONS of POTP, and lots of AireZens to your peeps and lots and lots of {{{{hugs}}}}
    Ruby ♥

  6. Oh no, that makes us extremely sad. We'll still keep our paws crossed for him.

  7. Sendin lots of hugs an luv frum our place to all of yu.

    Give Maurice sum luv frum us too.

  8. Sheesh. This is so awfur it makes the leaky eyes happen here, too.

    It really stinks. :((

    Sending tons of POTP and a truckload of (((hugs))) to all of you.

    1. Thanks Freckles and kitties... it helps to have furiends like you and your family..

  9. This make s us very sad too. we will keep praying for Maurice
    Mr Bailey & Hazel

    1. Thanks pups... we know ya know what we are going thru all too well.... it's just too horribly sad when they are so young...

  10. We are sending lots and lots and lots of POTP to efurrybody....especially Maurice and his Mama....
    Lhasa Hugs and Shih Tzu Snuggles...
    Dory Mama Beth, Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  11. Crikey Finley ..... Mum and I are both thinking of you all and sending every positive thought we possibly can to your place. This is too, too sad Finley! We just don't know what to say except we love you blokes and sheilas. Hang in there, aye??

    1. Thanks, Charlie... we're tryin'....but it's hard....

  12. Sending lots of hugs to dear Maurice and all his family. We're sure everyone will be doing their best to make him as comfortable as possible.
    Thinking of you here in Scotland,
    Gail and Bertie.

  13. I'm so sorry for Maurice and his mom. It's so nice that you are there for them and that you will spend your time together. I cross my paws for Maurice and I send a big hug to you all...

  14. We all are purring and praying hard for dear Maurice. We do hope it is not FIP. Please be something else.
    Much love from us all to help support Maurice and Mom and Family
    Timmy Dad and Family

    1. Timmy,
      Maurice is looking worse today... we fear he is fading fast....


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