Friday, March 6, 2015

Thursday wuz NO DAY FUR POOL BALL....

Well, I's kinda been afraid to post lately... cuz da last time I menshuned da white stuff, we gots some...

I look thrilled, don't I?

So I kept my yapper shut when dey predicted more of da white c**p, but fat lot of good that did me! Dis are whut my front yard looked like yesterday around eleven (yeah, it had already been meltin' fur a while then....)

If ya pays close attenshun, ya can sees bunny footsieprints in da snow. I thinks they must be snowbunny zombies, cuz whut else wants to be out in dat stuff?

Whitley sed it wuz March, and March in Texas should be warm and we should try to hurry up da thaw by goin' out in da backyard and play some pool ball....

Uh, Whitley... I thinks there is sumthin' wrong wiff dis picture.... I can't evfun sees da pool float... which white lump is it?

Which lump do ya think is a ball???

I see ya ovfur in da corner, Whit... ya found a ball? I think I see the float over on my left... ya think we can dig it out?? And whut da woof is all dis white c**p doin' all ovfur our loungers?? How's I supposed to relax and chill out here?? Well, I's freezin' my toesies off, so I's chillin', literally, but how's I's supposed to chillax??

Don't be sad, Whitley... summer will be here soon. 

I hope.

I still can't find a ball... can you?

Ya find sumthin', Whit?

Oh well, maybe in April???

Maybe we should just leave the backyard to the burds.... the flamingos, dat is.....

WAIT!!!  Is dat a ball floatin' in da pool??  Whut, Momma? Breakfast time? 

Bye, burds....

And fur ya Crockett fans... here's his opinion of da white stuff....

He gives it a big, fat RAZZBERRY!

Bark ya later, gators!


  1. Full marks for trying the pool ball Finley. Maybe go hunt out a sledge instead?
    Toodle pip!

    1. Not sure I wants to find one of dose... Momma would probably put me to work haulin' it around fur her!

  2. But you lives in Texas!!!! Snow and Texas in the same sentence????
    Luff your outfits though, still thinking fashion in the cold, yous real pawfect model girlies
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

    1. Oh, here in North Texas, we gets snow most ev'ry winter. Just usually gits it earlier in January or February... not supposed to be here in March!

  3. Crocket hit the nail on the head, I so agree for that winter... it's crazy to see your pool and all that snow... where is the cavalry with their hair dryers to blow that white stuff away?
    easy rider

  4. That is jus' so rong! Let's hope it warms up fur yu soon. All that white junk will make yur Momma's flowers grow an be happy!

    1. Well, 'cept fur da daffodils that wuz already up. Third year in a row da ice has messed them up... grrrrrrrr....

  5. Oh MAN.....we can't believe that you all got more snow!!! We hope it is all gone after a coupe of warm days...Knowing Texas, we bet that by next weekend it will be warm enough for that pool!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

    1. I sure hopes yer right, Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo!! We needs some heat!!! Right now!

  6. WE think Crockett got THAT very much Correct.... Neener Neener Neener on this FRIGID WINTER stuffs... We want SUMMER...
    OMD your Pool might end up being a Skating Rink if it doesn't warm up a LOT...and SOON...

    1. Yeah, dat would nots be good-- I don't do ice, or skatin'!!

  7. We LOVE LOVE LOVE that pool! Do you know how to play hockey?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    1. Don't know how... don't wanna learn, neither!!! It's supposed to be Spring!!

  8. BOL.... Razzberries at the snow. I think you need to get a heavier coat wiff all dat snow in Texas.

  9. I wish I could grow more furs.... least I's got my turtleneck onesie on, too!!

    Bring on summer!

  10. Turn up the heat in the pool and make it a big Hot Tub!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

    1. An excellent ideer... now all we gots to do is go git a new pool heater...bol!

  11. Dat snow deserves a whole ton of razzberries. At least we got Snow Day Ham™.

  12. Dat stuff needs to melt. I wanna play pool ball.

    1. I knows... we couldn't evfun find a good ball to dig out... I thinks my Momma's gonna need to go buy some new ones...

  13. OMD, Finwey! Yu wanna bowwow my snowbwower??? A shobel, mabbe???

    1. Well, it's melted by now... but I duz has a favor to ask.... Can ya keeps it up dere in da Great White North???

      Cuz I is soooooo OVFUR dat stuff. Not a fan, not at all. 'Specially not when it gits all slushy.


  14. I am ready for Spring! It was minus 2 last night and the cold pavement hurts my paws (Mom bought me slippers but I don't like them).

    Yay to Spring!

    Abby the Lab

    1. Me, too... dat icy stuff is for da burds!! The penguins, that is!

  15. Yep...even I, the one who loves snow has had enough.....where the snot is Spring!

    Da Sus

    1. Me, too!! I sure hope it's on its way here.....PRONTO!!

  16. Oh, wow:((

    You pups are being tortured by that snow junk.
    Its all shiny on top of our snow, still not warm enough to melt any, here either...maybe later in a few days, I heard on the radio the big 50F!

    I would love to come over and chase the snow, Snow Zombies.

    1. We gots lotsa cottontail bunnies here, Freckles... but they's been hidin' from us... guess cuz of da snow. We usually sees 'em when we goes out at night to do our yard art...Some of dem is as big or bigger dan our kitties!

    2. You let them be?? If I can, I get them cornered and...well, then my terrieristical instincts take ovfur...which makes growlmy not too pawleased...sigh...

    3. They only come into da front yard and we is on leash... so I've nevfur cornered one.. don't know whut I'd do if I did... some of dem is as big as our kitties!

  17. The weather has finally cooled down here, but not like that!!

    1. I guess yer summer is endin' and our Spring still hasn't sprung....

      I'm so lookin' forward to warmer weather!

  18. Cannot BELIEVE you've got Snow.....much less at this time of year. Hope you didn't freeze your feet lookin' for your stuff.

    1. We gits snow most years... just not usually in March!

  19. Moo mol mol we did so enjoy the story about Jezzue! Mom felt really bad about closing me up so she is glad to know others have done this too
    Madi your bfff

    1. Whit's Momma had a childhood furiend who had a buncha kitties. Once when she wuz ovfur dere playin', dey heard a mewin'.... opened up da rolltop desk and out shot a kitty!!

  20. Congradulashions Finley I nominnated yu fur da Liebster award. Yu can picks it up here: Yu don'ts habe tu follow da rules tu gets da award...take care!

  21. Thanks fur da award, Frisbee! I'll get Momma to write up my post later today!


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