Hi pups and kitties... I know Whitley and da orange boys have told y'all 'bout how Maurice is doing and it ain't good.
He seemed to be feeling worse today.... not even interested in the tuna broth my Momma made him... and dat kitty luved da tuna!
Da hoomans are thinking dey may have to help Maurice cross da Bridge tomorrow and take him in to Dr. Shawn...
First I'm gonna show ya some recent photos of my Maurice...
My Momma and Maurice... I think she were talkin' to him here... hope she weren't singin'-- he's sufferin' enuff already....
Even sick, he still are gorgeous....
I know this one is fuzzy, but I includes it cuz I wanted to show how much Crockett luvs MoMan... he sure is gonna miss him.... Sometimes it seems like he unnerstands dat Mo ain't feelin' good, and sometimes he don't-- I had to chase him offa Maurice once last night. But he are a kitten and still learnin' things...
Oh noes... I just realized Travis is gonna be his only role model... dere goes all da food in da house.
Today they took Maurice out into da sunshine in da backyard. He is an indoor kitty and ain't nevfur been outside.... he ain't nevfur evfun tried to go outside... he wuz happy just bein' wiff his Momma....
Momma sez she noticed dat his black fur was iridescent... shone with blue and green highlights like a black swallowtail butterfly or a crow feather... so pretty.... He seemed to perk up a bit outside...
Ya can see how much thinner he is in these photos than da ones I's gonna post below... dey is some of my favorite photos of da big dude....
Here he is with Charlie and Jezebel-- we thought it would be a dozen years before he joined them at the Rainbow Bridge.....
Dis photo was July-- see how different he looked?
And I'm gonna close wiff one of my favorite memories.. It wuz last Christmas, after all da present openin'.... me and Maurice sittin' in front of da window, tryin' to come up wiff a plan to rid da Earth of Sassy Skwirrel, right outside da window.... I wuz gonna chase ole Sassy right up to Maurice and let him have first pounce, den I would finish him off wiff da ole Shake Shake.... sigh......we nevfur got dat old Skwirrel but he's gone anyways....
Look at dat skwirrel-- tauntin' us on Christmas Day!
Well, I gots to go and try to comfort da hoomans... I's sure gonna miss da big guy, he were taller and longer dan me-- it were nice havin' such a big kitty furiend.... Luv ya always, Maurice...
Bark ya later, gators....