Monday, October 27, 2014

A Limerick fur Kyla

Kyla da Scot is a wise-crackin' pup
Her quips and comments always crack me up
So I's not gonna be sad
I's gonna try to be glad
Here's to Kyla--all raise up yer cup!

Today we's been celebratin' our furiend, Kyla, who we all hopes is gonna defy all dem doctor's and be wiff us fur quite some time....

But we wanted to celebrate her while she can enjoy da pawtee wiff us and pawticipate! Me and Whitley are hosting da pub fur dis occashun and we's stocked up on libashuns!!

So head on ovfur to Whitley's page fur some liquid refreshments if ya hasn't already... or c'mon back fur second, or thirds...

And since I missed out on da floral deliveries due to my secrementary's failings, I wanted to send dese flowers to Kyla... a bluebonnet bouquet from deep in da heart of Texas wiff luv and affeckshun from deep in my heart to her... In fact, I's sendin' ya an entire field of bluebonnets, Kyla!

(Now if I can just figger out how to load an entire field into a truck....)

Bark ya later, gators!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Dose sneeky kitties...

Sorry fur da confooshun... if any of ya saw dat Crockett posted in MY blog, well, I shooed him ovfur to his own blog, Lone Star Cats... dat's where he's supposed to write his stuff... not on MY page.

Kitty brofurs... sigh..........

Bark ya later, gators..

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Update on Crockett: He gots hydrated and lots of immuno-support drugs at da vet-- he ate some food dere dis afternoon. He's home now and just ate some more-- wiff gusto.

 Anyone who has had a cat with FIP will understand why we wuz worried. Now we just hope for the best and dat he stays as healthy as he seems right now.

Thanks fur all da prayers and POTP... please keep both him and Travis in your prayers... we wants dem to stay healthy and not get dat #$%^&*&^%(@!!#$%! FIP!!!

 Much luv to y'all-- we's so grateful fur all da furiends we's made here in Blogville and on Dogster/Catster...ya means da world to us...

 Bark ya later, gators...

Please Pray for Crockett..

This morning Crockett didn't come out for breakfast like he usually duz... he just stayed under my folks' bed and Momma had to pull him out. He turned away from his food.....

He is at the vet's now... he has a slight fever. We are all hopin' and prayin' that he doesn't have FIP-- little kittens like him are more susceptible. Momma is cryin' and ev'rybuddy is very, very worried...

If you could spare a prayer or power of the paw for my lil buddy I would really appreciate it....

 Bark ya later, gators...

Monday, October 6, 2014

Maurice are Crossing the Bridge today

Well, my Momma just got off da phone with da specialist vet dey took Maurice to last week. His test on his fluid came back and confirmed what they already knew. Strongly positive for FIP. Maurice has been really going downhill yesterday and last night. All night I stood guard ovfur him cuz dat is whut I duz.... I guards da old or sick kitties from playful kittens dat don't quite unnerstand dis whole dyin' thing and think dat maybe if dey just got Maurice to play or sumthin' he would be all better. It ain't Crockett's fault, he's just a lil guy, but Maurice didn't need no hasslin' wiff. So if he came ovfur to bug him (only did it once), I just kind of ran him off a lil... Whitley tried to lay as close to Maurice as she could git wiffout botherin' him... she sure duz luv dose kitties and I thinks her poor lil pup heart is breakin'... He sure is leavin' giant holes in everyone's heart and huge pawprints to fill...

Da folks have called da vet and made arrangements... Maurice will be crossing da Rainbow Bridge at 11:00 am this morning...

Dis place just won't be the same wiffout da King of Cats, da MoMan, Mr. Elegance, da Cat who Hugs, Mr. Gorgeousness..... our Maurice Louis....

We'll miss ya always, big guy....

Updated: On da way out da door to da vet, dey let me and Maurice sniff noses one last time.... he reached out wiff his paw and tapped my nose last smacky paw for ole time's sake.... just like the very first time I met him, when he weighed all of 2.5 lbs... came right in and owned da joint, smacky pawed both of us pups.... dis time, it were more of a gentle good-bye between furiends.....

Bark ya later, gators......

Sunday, October 5, 2014

My buddy Maurice.... he's fading fast....

Hi pups and kitties... I know Whitley and da orange boys have told y'all 'bout how Maurice is doing and it ain't good.

He seemed to be feeling worse today.... not even interested in the tuna broth my Momma made him... and dat kitty luved da tuna!

Da hoomans are thinking dey may have to help Maurice cross da Bridge tomorrow and take him in to Dr. Shawn...

First I'm gonna show ya some recent photos of my Maurice...

My Momma and Maurice... I think she were talkin' to him here... hope she weren't singin'-- he's sufferin' enuff already....

Even sick, he still are gorgeous....

I know this one is fuzzy, but I includes it cuz I wanted to show how much Crockett luvs MoMan... he sure is gonna miss him.... Sometimes it seems like he unnerstands dat Mo ain't feelin' good, and sometimes he don't-- I had to chase him offa Maurice once last night. But he are a kitten and still learnin' things... 

Oh noes... I just realized Travis is gonna be his only role model... dere goes all da food in da house.

Today they took Maurice out into da sunshine in da backyard. He is an indoor kitty and ain't nevfur been outside.... he ain't nevfur evfun tried to go outside... he wuz happy just bein' wiff his Momma....
Momma sez she noticed dat his black fur was iridescent... shone with blue and green highlights like a black swallowtail butterfly or a crow feather... so pretty.... He seemed to perk up a bit outside...

Ya can see how much thinner he is in these photos than da ones I's gonna post below... dey is some of my favorite photos of da big dude....

Here he is with Charlie and Jezebel-- we thought it would be a dozen years before he joined them at the Rainbow Bridge.....

Dis photo was July-- see how different he looked?

And I'm gonna close wiff one of my favorite memories..  It wuz last Christmas, after all da present openin'.... me and Maurice sittin' in front of da window, tryin' to come up wiff a plan to rid da Earth of Sassy Skwirrel, right outside da window.... I wuz gonna chase ole Sassy right up to Maurice and let him have first pounce, den I would finish him off wiff da ole Shake Shake.... sigh......we nevfur got dat old Skwirrel but he's gone anyways....

Look at dat skwirrel-- tauntin' us on Christmas Day!

Well, I gots to go and try to comfort da hoomans... I's sure gonna miss da big guy, he were taller and longer dan me-- it were nice havin' such a big kitty furiend.... Luv ya always, Maurice...

Bark ya later, gators....

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Well, puppers and kitties, it's been a regular waterworks 'round here today... as I wrote in my earlier post, our Maurice is very sick. Our regular vet, Dr. Shawn, called up Momma 'round noontime and wanted her to come get Maurice and take him to da internist-- so he could get an ultrasound ASAP.

So she and Whit's Momma and Maurice's Momma went and got Maurice and took him to da internist.  Da electricity was off in dat nayborhood and people were just breezin' thru da non-workin' lights instead of stoppin' like it was a 4 way stop like they's supposed to... twits.

So dey got dere and trudged up da stairs (no elevator since no electricity) and den da waitin' commenced cuz dere wuz no electricity to do an ultrasound wiff.... just when dey wuz gonna give up and go home, it came back on. It was on fur a half hour and went off agin.... luckily, dey had done Maurice's ultrasound in dat time... and draw some of da fluid dat had been accumulatin' in his tummy area for tests.

Now some of you who has kitties may be aware of a rare but deadly condition called FIP-- well, dat's whut dey fink Maurice has... all da symptoms fit. Da test probably won't be back until Monday...

If it's FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) dere ain't much dey can do for Maurice... right now he's on steroids and Baytril to maybe help some. But it's a fatal disease, and he may only have a matter of weeks, if that....

So ev'rybuddy 'round here is beyond sad... and wiff some udder bad news his Momma got last week, well, it's just too %$(*&^%$# unfair-- dat Maurice and his Momma are quite da pair-- he spoons her when she is sleepin' and gives ev'rybuddy who picks him up a hug-- honest he duz, he puts a paw on each side of da neck and just tucks his head under their chin... it are beyond sweet... She is also purdy short, just shy of 5 feet tall, and dat Maurice he is one long dude... 42" from nose to tip of tail... so when she held him she really had to boost him up to her shoulder... made him look evfun gianter dan he is....

So y'all will forgive us if we ain't on too much in da comin' days or weeks.... we is gonna be spendin' all da time we can wiff da Mo Man...

Love ya, big guy....

Bark ya later, gators..........

Our Maurice is a very sick kitty.....

Well, pups and kitties, I ain't been on here much cuz in addishun to da remuddlin' guys and da painters-- who came yesterday and who we barked like crazee at!--- we got udder thangs on our minds..

And da biggest is Maurice da kitty. He is sick-- very sick. When we gots him home from da vet yesterday he just seemed kinda tired and limp.... he did eat some chikin livers Momma fixed fur him but dat wuz about it.

So dis mornin' Momma called da vet to see if his tests showed anyfing.... well, da answer is we gots no answers. We eliminated some possibilities-- like kitty AIDS or leukemia-- but da bad news is his white blood cell count is WAY higher..... 56,000!.... so dey is tryin' to schedule an ultrasound to see if dey can see anyfing dat would cause dat...

Y'all know whut dat means.... dey is lookin' fur cancer, among udder things...

Da hoomans is cryin', cuz Maurice is just such a young guy, only 4, and dis just seems like a raw deal.

So if ya can spare a prayer or good thought fur a sweet kitty who gives hugs, has been known to try to bark like a Westie, and is an all around good guy, we would appreciate it. He needs all da Power of the Paw he can git...

Bark ya later, gators....