Saturday, July 5, 2014


Well, da Fourth of July fell on a Friday dis year, so we's celebratin' all weekend!! No offense to my furiends across da Pond, but we's mighty proud of our folkses' forefathers and muthers... see, both of my folkses ancestors came ovfur to da New World backs in da 17th century and landed in Virginia and the Carolinas (Scots-Irish they wuz) and they's both got Revolutionary War vets (and da 1812 War, too!) in da family. Dey kicked British heinie not once, but twice!! And then Momma's family came to Texas and kicked Mexico's heinie!! Kinda rebellious they wuz-- and I gots to admire dat! After all, I's a Texas Terrierist!

Momma made some new dresses fur me and Whitley to wear on da Fourth! Here dey is, and yes, dey is reversibull... Da red side has da words to America da Beautiful in da background and da navy side has glittery silver sparkles on it...

And here I is, wearin' mine....

I acshually sat fur my pics wiffout chewin' on myself... and I's startin' to grow my hair back! Momma wuzn't sure it would come back but it's tryin' to!

Da folks had some barbeque chickin and Momma let me have a bite.... she said tomorrow she might barbeque some ribs or grill some salmon... sure hope I gets a taste!

In excitin' news, I won one of Goose's Asses!!! Yep, I won da Bad Ass! Cuz I's da baddest Ass there is!! BOL! BOL!!

Hope y'all has a wunnerful rest of da weekend! Da fireworks noises don't bother me or Whitley none, but if any of y'all is bothered, I hope it quiets down fur ya! Here's some photos of the Plano fireworks...

Bark ya later, gators....


  1. Purdy dresses, ya got!
    Happy belated Fourth of July woofs to you! Aroo!

    Glad your furs are growing back!

  2. Lookin' fantastic! But we think the chickin is best....unless you get ribs, too.

    Happy fourth!

    XXXOOO Bella Roxy & dui

    1. Ribs is delish... but I also heard Momma mention dat she bought some rib-eyes.....drooooooool.....

  3. Hey Finley .... you sure are lookin' good. Glad your fur's growin' back. Crikey Finley I won one of Goose's Asses too. I got Sorry Ass cause I'm ALWAYS puttin' my foot in something and having to be sorry about it. You got Bad Ass??? hahahahahaha!!!
    Glad you had a good 4th July day!!!

    1. Yep, I gots Bad Ass... cuz I's da Baddest Ass there is! Bol!

    2. And Sorry Ass wouldn't work fur me... cuz I's nevfur sorry 'bout anything I duz...

  4. Yu grrls gots the purdiest dresses! Hey, maybe yur Momma learnt to sew frum the Betsy Ross lady. Bol! Don't tell her I tol' yu that. Bol!
    So glad yur hairs are growin back in! But 'cept, at least yu don't have to have 'em yanked outta yur cute lil body like Whit does.
    Here's hopin yu get sumfin good offa the grill!

    1. Oh dey still has to run da strippin' comb ovfur me where I has hairs... udderwise, I'd get mats there... but not as much strippin' as in da past, dat's fur sure!

  5. I love your dresses! My mom is green with envy, she would like to have such a dress too! I like the little star-buttons, they are super cute!

    1. Da star buttons is actually 2 buttons layered together... one big, one smaller... Momma used to make her girls all kinds of cute dresses when they wuz lil and now gets her cute fix makin' 'em fur us pups...since we likes wearin' them, it's a win/win situmatashun!!

  6. Those dresses are pawsome! My mom can't even make me a bandana and all that involves is cutting straight lines! Hope you're continuing to enjoy the weekend!

  7. Those dresses are very nice, and looks just beautiful on you!

  8. Hope you had a wonderful weekend Finley!

    1. Thanks, Bertie! It's been purdy good.... except one of our A/C units just quit workin'.... glad we have two!

  9. Yu wook SO patwiotik an' cute an' 'dorable, Finwey!! I r so gwad yur furz r gwowin' back, tu!

    Da wick-wack on yur dwess weminds Momma ob da sundwesses hur weared when hur wuz a lil' gurl, a coupla hunnerd yeers 'go or sumfing! An' gingham. Wotza gingham!

    1. Thanks, HunBun!! Momma luvs da rick-rack and ribbons, dat's fur sure!

  10. You are lookin' most FABulous in your dress Finley!! I hopes you gots lots of chickens and I hops you gets a taste of that salmon...YUMMERS!!!
    Have a most happy weekend!!
    Ruby ♥

    1. Unfortunately, da grillin' was postponed cuz one of our A/C units expired... it was a cool dinner night. But more grillin' after it gets repaired tomorrow, Momma sez...

  11. I's given ya an award - ya can see it here - Even if ya don't wanna do all da rules, ya can still have da award.

  12. You have the cutest dress'. Mom said one of the days she'll have a little Scottie girl and dress her up cute like you.

    Aroo to you,

    1. Momma sez she hasta keep gettin' girls... what else will she evfur do wiff all these dresses?

  13. Wow gals, those are a couple of purdy dresses!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo


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