Friday, February 28, 2014


Well, da gud news is dat I'm not allegick to any meatz. Yea for me! Da bad news is I's allergic to corn, white potatoes, eggs and alfalfa (I ain't a guinea pig or a horse so alfalfa is no biggie). I's been on grain free food fur some time, so da corn ain't a big factor-- just means I won't never get no corn chips or an occasional Cap'n Crunch taters, evfur, no tater chip, no mashed taters, no left over french fries... and worst of all, NO EGGIE WEGGIES! No lickin' da egg plates, nope, nuthin' no more...

Dat sux. Sigh.....

 Some other things I tested allergick to years ago I didn't test allergick to dis time... guess da allergee shots musta worked on those thangs... but I'm allergick to some new stuff, like da maple tree next door dat da naybor don't rake da leaves and dey blow inta my yard...grrrr.... So Dr. Sean is gonna get me my sublingual goo to take under my tongue to take da place of da allergee shots... so's I won't be a pincushion no more. Hope dis stuff works.

No eggie weggies.... ratz.

***Everybuddy-- look on my list of Dogster bloggers-- Luna, Hobo & Milo now have a blog and so duz Miss Ko Min and Miss Mazy.... go give 'em a howdy!*******

Pardon me while I gets waterboarded....

Bark ya later, gators....


  1. Yeah dis stinks. And it stinks for me too, since I are not gonna get no taters and Frenchie fries or eggie weggies. SOB SOB SOB. Couldn't ya be lejerk to lettuces or somethin I wouldn't want to eat?

  2. Hey at least Bacon isn't on that no-no list!

    We're glad you know what you're allergic to, so you won't be itchy.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  3. Poor Finley!
    Has yur vet said that Westies are prone to the allergics? There's yu, Zaidie and lil Cricket dood that's gots the itchies and stuff. Jus' wunnerin.

    Hope yu can start to bein non-itchy real soon. It might be hard to give up the lick, lick,lick though.

    1. Oh yeah, it are widely known dat Westies is prone to allergees.... da vets is always makin' a fuss ovfur Whitley's good skin, cuz it's unusual fur Westies to have good skin...

  4. Oh that sucks, no frenchie fries. We certainly hope the goo you have now will help with those allergies. Hopefully the waterboarding can stop soon! Take care!

    1. I wish... but da waterboardin is da furst line of de-fence in da fights against environmental allergees...

  5. We will keep your food needs in mind the next time we have a PARTY - Maybe we should have a special shed set up just for you so you won't accidently have something that you shouldn't. We will set it up right next to EBBY's special shed - on second thought, maybe being right next to Ebby isn't such a good idea...Anyways, we hope you are ichie free soon.

    1. Yeah, I gots a feelin' Ebbers would try to claim both sheds...

  6. finley..whoa iz rite..noe more spudz ...chipz...friez....thatz just against DE LAW ore sumthin

    1. No taters, no chips, no eggs... it are criminal is whut it are...

  7. OMD! I feel so bad for you. Maybe your Momma can find some special yummy treats that you will go crazy for to make up for all your loosing. Boy, that sentence went on furever! Bol!

  8. Finley Sweetie-OMD! Those allergies are awful for you! Now you have to give up so many goodies too!
    Maybe Mom can find some kinds of treats??? Or make them...Can you have oat or rice flour??????? Thanks for telling pals, we are trying to set me up here on blogger. Working with an old Gma takes tons of patience...She s scatter brain!

    You like the water boarding,right??????? You're a swimmer and have a pool!

  9. NO Eggs or Taters, well thats not rights, now Bites would just fad away without his taters! Hope the under the tongue works out!

    The Mad Scots

  10. Holy COW PATTIES!!! NO EGGS OR TATER SNACKS???? Sorry, I just fainted....okays, I'm okay now....
    that sucks dude. Sorry to hears that. Well I have to take allergy stuffs too cause my ears gets infected with gooey stuffs, what do you have to take?
    Well, at least you won't have itchies anymores, that's good.
    sorry abouts the taters...
    Ruby ♥

  11. You has been nominated for a Liebster Award. Check out our blog for details:

  12. oh Finley, dat's a hard thing, ta hav all dose terrble allergees. But on da guud side, now yu can stop sufferrin frum dem. arrn'tcha glad abowt dat? an no shots! a berry good thing.
    speakin of allergees, I bin itching like dog on a fuzzy tree.

    1. Ko Min-- has your Momma tried givin' ya a Benadryl or a Tavist ( no decongestant!, just the plain antihistamine kind) -- they can help with itchies sometimes...

    2. And baths... to wash the pollens and allergens off. It works, though I hates to admit it.

  13. I hope them allergiks get the kick in their pants so they will get way from you...That SL stuff should help, it helped growlmy! Long time ago...

  14. Crikey Finley ... I'm thinking of you if that's any help! No ... s'pose it isn't but I still am!! No Eggie weggies ... I have one for breakfast - EVERY DAY!! I'm off 'em now .... in sympathy!! Does that make it any better? No ... I didn't think so ... Crikey I hope those itches go away

  15. Gosh, I am really sorry to hear about the eggie thing - that is what we call them at my house too, and I get an egg yolk a couple of times a week, so I commiserate about finding out you are allergic to them - not fair! But the good thing is that the White Coats are finding out the things that are making you itchy, so that your pawrents can eliminate them from your diet and environment, so that you can be feeling better furry soon! I'm PURRdy sure there are still lots of yummy things you CAN eat, so I know your humans will be making sure you get lots of those, and I'm keeping my paws crossed that you feel wonderfully itch-FURee furry, furry soon!

    - Roger (another fur with itchy issues!)


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