Saturday, February 8, 2014


I's catching a snooze usin' a borrowed Teddy Bear as a pillow... worked purdy good...

It were a purdy borin' week.... real cold so da peeples didn't wanna walk us... today we gots a walk, finally! We gots a lil bit of snow, but it weren't enuff to snow plow in or nuthin'.. it were enuff to release da snow zombies so we had to be evfur vigilant against dem in addishun to da usual skwirrel zombies, bird zombies, etc... I lets Whitley do most of da barkin' while I duz most of da starin'-- Momma thinkz I iz starin' off into space and tellz me to hurry up wid da yard art... but I is on da lookout fur varmints, critters, and various invadin' zombies... it aren't my fault she can't see 'em... yeesh.

Maurice da cat (he belongs to Momma's youngest daughter, Ally) has got his blog up and going... if y'all could stop by and give him a howdy that would be real nice...

Bark ya later, gators....


  1. Teddy Bears and Snow Zombies sounds like a great week! SNOW!!

  2. super cute text (is that a southern draw?) and the photo os darling - Finley's hair looks so soft……

    1. Yep, we're from da Lone Star State or Texas if you prefer...we has a southern kinda western drawl 'round these parts...

  3. You tell the snow zombies to stay away from this Michigan place, OK...Bark-woof-growl!

    We all paid Maurice a visit!

    1. Oh Freckles, da snow zombies is ev'rywhere.. be careful. See, once we joined Twitter we found dere wuz a group of pups called da ZombieSquad who is evfur vigilant against da zombies... and dat zombies inhabits all kinds of things like tree rats or skwirrels, and birds and UPS guys.. dey's ev'rywhere!! Me and Whit wuz made memberz of da ZombieSquad cuz of our superior varmint killin' wayz...

  4. We hate boring weeks....hope yours doesn't last much longer. Anyway, we're sure there's a law that says they have to walk you in the snow....just not rain. (Check your contract.)

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

    1. What da what?? Momma been hidin my contact from me, so I did not see dat part! Dat are da problem wif her havin gone to da law schools, she lies bout da contract and stuffs.

  5. Snow zombies? I wonder if they taste good . . .


  6. What a cute pic!

    Happy Sunday :)

  7. You look like a brown fox on a teddy bear here! Your white fur really is hidden from the sepia. Tricky! Thanks for sharing on Sepia Saturday. Can't wait for next week!

  8. Teddy Bears make the bestest pillows!!

    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  9. Oh your blog looks so festive with the pretty hearts Finley! I use to have a teddy bear when I was a pupster, but Lee took it away from me cause it was my favorite thing to hump.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot


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