Sunday, January 5, 2025

Sunday Selfies.... LONGGG time no bark

 Well, my Momma has been remiss in not postin' on here, but I told here dat in 2025 she better git back to postin' or I wuz gonna hire me sumone who would... We is supposed to git sum snow here in da Metroplex later dis week, but it already got really cold today... blew a bunch of da outdoor Christmas decor over so Momma had to take da lighted tree, snowman, westies, flamiingo and penguin inside before dey blew away... she sez da lights can wait until after Three Kings Day... heck, if they is down before da Super Bowl, she'll be doin' gud. 

So here I is, roasty toasty in front of da fire fur my selfie... I took time out from watchin' an old movie with dat cairn Terry (who playd Toto in Da Wizard of Oz)... I luvs to watch movies of all kinds... especially ones wiff pups in 'em!

Bark ya later, gators!! (But not as late as it has been or Momma is gonna git a butt bite!

Friday, April 8, 2022


Howdy, pups and kitty cats! since it is Friday, it is time to visit our garden... Spring is late this year... almost a month late. Ordinarily, we would have been having bearded iris bloomin' fur almost a month, but dey just started. Evfurrything is all confuserated. But here we go....

Hope y'all enjoy our blooms..... bark ya later, gators!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Wordy Wednesday.........Long Time No Bark

 Well, it's been a long time no bark here... it were difficult for Momma to want to blog once Finley passed on... but she says I deserves to get to speak my piece as Head of Ranch Security round here, so here I am... Brinley Evangeline.

It's pretty quiet most days without my BFF, Kinley. The kitties occasionally get into a kerfluffle but before I can tear myself away from the tv, they've pretty much settled it. I likes to spend as much time as I can on top of Pillow Mountain-- a girl needs her beauty rest, ya know... 

I still gets my daily walkies... just with only Momma and Angelique's Momma, Ally. Momma said today I am developing an annoying habit of wanting to go backwards on my walks... I say she doesn't understand that sometimes ya walks by a good smell before ya realizes it, and ya must go backwards to sniff it!! 

Here's some photos of me patrollin' da backyard fur zombies... it are an vital dooty of da Head of Ranch Security to rid da premises of varmints and such... 

Spring is late... here' what's blooming now...

Hey, wait a durn minnit.... who let dat last photo in dere? Whut, Momma?? You put it in to show how I spends most of my time dat I should be doin' my security dooties?? Whut da woof?? Dat in unfair, Momma.... if you didn't insist of watchin' tv shows wiff windshield wipers, rain, car chases, cryin' kids, or bad men, den I wouldn't be so exhausterated dat I needs a nap durin' daylight hours!!! It are all yer fault... dat's my story and I'm stickin' to it!!!

Bark ya later, gators......


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Time to turn over the sheriff duties....

 This are a real hard post fur my momma to write... in fact, I's not been myself fur so long that Momma found it hard to write at all. As most of y'all know, last year, I dislocated my hip, had problems healing and wound up really gimpy. But I still liked to eat and sleep and my momma and Kinley's momma have been doing their level best to make me as comfortable as possible. But wiff da Arthur Itis in my other hip, dere ain't really no way fur me to be comfy. I's havin' a harder and harder time just walkin' around to do my bidness-- if I stops to poop, I kinda falls ovfur. Dere ain't no dignity in dat. And I don't evfun enjoy da rides in da fancy dog stroller dat Momma got me... I can't gits comfy, I just wants to try to bite on myself (da old allergies are as bad as evfur and da one thang dat helped me-- dermacton from da UK-- was banned by da FDA under Trump when he pushed all dose anti-European imports nonsense). So I's a purdy miserable pup and barely hangin' in der by a thread--- and it are gittin' unraveled. 

I's been doin' my best to hang in here cuz I's da sheriff of dis here spread-- keepin' da peace and enforcin' da rules and keepin' evfurryone in line. But I's too tired to do dat anymore. I been tryin' to decide which of my doofus deputies to turn my sheriff's duties ovfur to.... but it ain't been an eazy decishun. One of da candidates-- Kinley-- is real sweet but kinda a fluff brain who tries to chase da kitties too much. Brinley is too busy watchin' tv and barkin' at windshield wipers on da tv screen to take da job with the proper seriousness it deserves.... So whut's a pup to do?

Seems like da decishun has been made fur me... Kinley, Travis, and der Momma is movin' to Lubbock next month so Kinley will have to be sheriff out dere.... or maybe Travis will. He probably has more of da necessary gravitas.

And my spread will be under the snoopervision of Brinley.... Lawd help 'em,  Whut wiff Bowie who literally runs up da walls and flips like he's Donald O'Connor in Singin' in Da Rain (all dat tv watchin' of Brinley's has taught dis ole pup a few thangs, bol, bol) and Brinley's obsession wiff da tv.... well... if Angie wasn't so fond of da nip, she might be da leadin' candidate. I's probably gonna make my trip to da  Land of Infinite Steaks and Bacon next week sumtime.... Brinley will let y'all know. I sure will be glad to see my BFF,Whitley and play sum pool ball wiff her... dat's my vishun of Heaven, anyways, dat and lots of steak and barbeque and road trips ridin' shotgun.

Since dis are my farewell, as I's writin' it, I'm gonna put up a few pics of me.... I looks purdy scruffy now cuz I don't allow da Mommas to trim my furs wiffout riskin' bloodshed.... see, my eyesight has failed me, too, and I's kinda cranky about thangs dat nevfur used to bother me at all.... but here's  a couple of more recent pics....

Bark ya later, gators....... or Brinley will... since it are now her job.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Happy Birthday, Brinley!!!

Finley, here...Long time no bark... really, really long time, bol! Brinley turns 4 today, so I'm turnin' da talkin' ovfur to her, since it are her day....

Howdy, evfurryone, it's me, Brinley!

Another couple of days, anudder birthday 'round here and it are MY day, I's four!! It seems like just yesterday dat my momma and Kinley's momma flew to Ohio and brought da two of us back here to Texas. Time flies when ya is havin' fun, and I always has fun wiff my BFF, Kinley and Finley (well, she's learned to tolerate me... I think she evfun likes me a little),

Da day started off wiff cheesy scrambly eggs & bacon fur breakfast! It were yummy!!

Den we gots to go hang out in da backyard fur hours and hours... it were a real pretty day, in da 70s and breezy... we gots to run 'round and do varmint patrol, inspect my Momma's flower garden and bark Kinley's momma while she did laps... whut's wiff da hoomans dat dey gits in da water on purpose and wiffout anyone makin' em  do it???

Next we did a birfday walk and zombie patrol of da nayborhood... only saw a few zombies (Momma sez dey is naybors, I sez dey look like zombies to me.... she had to give me dat one, some of dese folks is walking 'round wiff blank stares on der faces like a zombie, maybe dey's quarantine zombies).

Here I is in my front yard-- scannin' fur zombiez....

Duz bunnies count as zombies?? Come here, lil bunny, it's my birthday....

Dere  wuz sum good sniffs goin' on...

Me and my bestie...

You can  look fur zombies ovfur dere, I'll look dis way....

Nope, nun ovfur dere...

Dat guy looks kinda like a zombie, Momma....

Here I goes, self-stackin' agin... Momma sez she can tells I gots show dogs in my tail is always straight up in da air...

Lord luv a terrier... with their cute little derriere...

Dere I goes agin, self-stackin... look at my straight lil tail!

Nuthin's better dan spendin' time wiff yer bestest best furiend! We duzn't beleaf in social distancin'... nope, not us....

When we gots back home I opened my pressies... I gots 4 new dresses & 2 plushie toys!! Jackpot!! I gots enuf new looks fur more dan a week cuz all da dresses is reversible.

Momma made me da sun & moon dress...

And da sweet shop & spacemen & martians one, too....

Kinley's momma, Kimberley made me an Elvis dress...

Thank ya, thank ya very much!!

And she made me da April Showers (above) bring May flowers (below) one, too!!!

And da kitties got sum new bandanners, too, to match sum of da dresses...

After all dat presrent openin', I needed a nap to be ready fur dinner... which wuz steak!!

Next up is dinner... steak!!! Yummo!!

And dessert-- a cuppycake!!!

All in all, it were a very gud birthday!!!

Bark ya later, gators!! ~~ Brinley

Gud job, Brinley....Havin' dese young uns 'round duz have its benefits... on dere birthdays, mostly!!  

Bark ya later, gators!! ~~ Finley