Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

So, I heard dat on Thursdays, da poets 'round here does sum poe-a-tree. I'm kinda famous (or infamous) for my limericks, so I thawt I'd join in da Thursday poems...

Today's inspurrayshun are da followin' photo--seems dey followed me da last time I wents in da forest and snapped it when I wuzn't lookin'!!

Da Tree in Da Woods

Why looky yonder, what do I see?
Dere’s a light dat’s comin’ outta dat tree!

Duz someone live dere? Could it be an elf?
Da cookie ones—not da ones from da shelf.

I moseys on over to git a closer look
Are dere elves in dere who know how to cook?

I looks in da door and what do I see?
Der is an elf livin’ in dat tree!!!

But sadly, he ain’t da kind what bakes
Dere will be no cookies, no biskits, no cakes

He’s a guvmint elf dat’s who he be
Jeff Sessions is livin’ inside of dat tree!

Has da Prezdent sent him dere or is he hidin’?
I’s heard da Donald on tv him chidin’….

Sumthin’ bout him himself recoozin…
Don’t know what dat means, it is like excoozin’?

Cuz I’s always thawt that’s da polite thing to do
Like when ya farts or chews up a shoe

Don’t know if he’s just hidin’ dere in dat tree
Just wishin’ he’d bake up some cookies fur me!

I think I likes dese poem things almost as much as my limericks.... I'll have to do more of dese....

Thought I would include a pic of yours truly.... 

 and a couple of Brinley modeling her new dress dat Momma made her fur her birthday... dis is da side with cowgirls on it....

I'll see ya guys tomorrow when me and Brinley show ya whut's bloomin' in Momma's garden fur Flower Friday.

Bark ya later, gators....

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

YIPPEE !!! It's my Second Birthday!!!

Yay!! It is my turn to write da entry and to have a birthday!! I'm two years old today, so dat makes me da youngest critter in da house! Momma FINALLY got me my own birthday dress made-- 'bout time, I says!

Hurry up, Momma, I wants my breakfast!!! Breakfast was a cheesy bacon omelet -- yummo! Finley and Kinley wants their breakfast, too!!

Doesn't this look delish?? 

I thinks Kinley is checking out whether I's gonna eat all my breakfast eggie weggie. Tuff luck, Kinley, it's all mine!!! You got yer own, anyways!

Next Momma tried to get me to open my pressies.... but I wanted to nap. I'd been running around playin' wiff Kinley and needed a lil beauty rest.

She made me pose wiff her 'fore I could get some shuteye.... da pupperazi 'round here!!

After my nap, I wuz reddy to open my gifts...

A lamb from Momma -- with 2 squeakers-- one high-pitched, one low!!

Next up wuz a stuffed frenchie fry toy dat squeaks from Kinley's momma...

Da last toy wuz a stuffed bunny.... Momma thawt it wuz a llama... silly Momma.

Fur sum reezun, dey stuck dis birthday hat on me... good grief!

I also got a new dress-- da western one-- from Momma, and two harness/collar/leash sets, too. Kinley's momma made me two new dresses-- a desert one and a calypso/tropical one. I's gonna be stylin' fur shure!

All dis openin' pressies is eggshaustin'!!!!!!! Better git a qwik nap 'fore dinner! ZZzzzzzzz....

Fur dinner we gots to share us a ribeye steak.... oh my dog, it were yummy! 

Don't nobuddy evfun think 'bout tryin' to git sum of my steak!!


Maple pecan pupcake fur dessert!

Finley sez, "Where did my pupcake go?????"

Into yer belly, Finley!! And ya ain't gittin' any of mine!!!

I had a real gud birthday.... it were fun turnin' two. We should have birthdays every other day!! 

Thanks to Dalton & Pipo & their growlmy-- they sent me a real nice birthday card!

Well, bark ya later, gators! Finley will be back wiff a Flower Friday post...
