Friday, May 13, 2016

Flower Friday

Well, da remuddlin' of da kitchen goes on... Momma has bin havin' bigtime headaches and usin' a whole buncha HBO werds... let's just say, my vocabulary's expandin'... bol, bol!

I wuz gonna post sum pics of da current state of da kitchen, but I decided to save 'em until tomorrow.... Momma couldn't evfun bring herself to photograph it at its wurst... it looked like a bomb went off in dere! But Momma insisted dat dey get da ceiling closed back up 'fore da weekend.... she had nightmares 'bout a kitty decidin' to go up inta da attic and wuzn't wantin' to air condishun da attic fur da entire weekend!

Let's just say, evfurryone round here is real tired of da whole remuddlin' expeereeants and havin' no kitchen, no real dishes, and havin' to drink outta dese things...

I's here fur Flower Friday... but furst, a photo of yers truly fur all my fans... all two of ya... bol... me on da sunroom couch....

I's still missin' my buddy and tryin' to help her Momma git thru da nights by havin' sleepovfurs wiff her and Travis... at least in dere, my Daddy ain't gripin' bout me sleepin' on top of his feets. I don't know whut his problum, is my Momma and Whit's Momma nevfur complains.... 

Of course, I behaves better for dem... that could be part of his problum.....bol, bol!

And wiffout further ado, sum of our flowers from dis week...


Tropical Hibiscus




Bearded Iris


Showy Primrose

Geranium-- aka Cranesbill


Bearded Iris



Bearded Iris



Our furiend, Dory, is having a blog hop in honor of my BFF, Whitley... head on ovfur to her blog by clicking on her name to see da details....

Thanks, Dory and family, fur honorin' my bestie dis way..... Hey, Momma, sew me up sum new duds!!!

Have a great weekend, everybuddy!

Bark ya later, gators!


  1. Hey Finley! We need to move! You have THE prettiest flowers at your house! Remodeling is a real pain...hope it is done soon. Glad to hear you are having sleepovers with Whitley's mom...we have been thinking about her. Xo Chlo and LadyBug

    1. Thanks--- Momma luvs da flowers... she is always adding new ones.

      Remuddlin' is a pain... and dis one 'specially cuz da kitchen is closed fur da durayshun!!

  2. Your flowers are just ever so lovely!
    Are the little pink ones mallow?? Growlmy took a few pics of those on her stroll here today, they grow wild around here:)

    A kitchen in dysfunctional mode is horrible...we know all about it...we have camped in our den in the past, OMD!

    Finley, We are glad you are taking good care of the peeps, with bedtime cuddles and suchlike.
    Sending lots of big hugs!

    1. They're showy primrose, a wildflower here... when Momma wuz lil, dey called 'em buttercups and would get sumone to stick der nose in 'em to smell and den have a yellow nose! bol, bol!

    2. And da tiny pink ones beneath dose are real geraniums... also known as cranesbill.

  3. What are gonna happen to Bacon Caturday???

    1. I think it'a on high-ay-tus till da remuddlin' is ovfur, kitties!

  4. The flowers are lovely.
    And did someone say there was wurst in the kitchen?

    1. If only it were da sossige kind, Bertie, we'd all be happy!!

  5. Gorgeous flowers! We think you all may have to move for the duration of the remuddlin'. Oh well...this too shall pass.

    1. Sounds gud to me.. 'cept Momma wants to keep an eye on 'em so's dey don't make any more goof-ups....

  6. You sure do have the most beautiful flowers bloomin' in your yard, Finley!

  7. remuddlin' needs a lot of hbo words, the mama said as much as you need paint... my daddy always has to close the windows when the mama works in my crib, because of the hood... Your flowers are beautiful, we have an hibiscus too but it never gets such big and colorful flowers as yours... maybe it needs a howl-i-day in texas to get more power?

    1. Well, ya knows... dey do say evfurrythang is bigger in Texas...

  8. Hari OM
    Crikey, I sure hope that kitchen bizzo gets finished with real quick fur you all... but having a garden full of these beauts will surely calm the spirits!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Flowers shure do help da Momma feel bedder... if only she could be dun wiff dese remuddlin' bozos so she could git out inta da garden more...

  9. Remodeling the kitchen does not sound like fun. We are happy that Dory planned a day for Whitley and even though dressing up is not our thing, well, we are going to do it for such a sweet girl!

    1. Glad yer gonna pawticipate in da blog hop, pups... it means a lot to us...

  10. Oh dear that does sound like a headache. We hope that kitchen gets done real soon so your humans can fix you yummy foods.

    So sorry you are sad we nose that feeling all too well :( Give Whitley's Momma big snuggles from us!

    We wuv all your flowers. Our Mom & Dad are helping our Gram redo her flower garden. Mom will have to take some pics when they are done.

    Matt & Matilda

    1. Lookin' forward to seein' da pics.. we luv to see everybuddy's flowers...

  11. Those sure are some beautiful flowers you have there, Finley!!! Pretty blooms to honor sweet Whitley. We had all that remodeling stuff done here two years ago for the kitchen and the rest of the first floor. It was horrible!!! But it looks nice in the end. We keep hearing rumors about things starting on the second floor sometime this year. Glad the second floor is a no-sibe zone.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  12. We are glad you are helping Whit's momma with her broken heart. We sure hope that kitchen is done soon!
    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    1. We nearly forgot to say those are some beautiful flowers too!

  13. Oh Finley, you gives Whitley's Moms lots of cuddles from me, and maybe a margarita or 87, k? Oh, and give your Moms some while you're at it, cause remodelin' is a PIA!!!! I mean, you can't eats cheeseburgers EVERY meal, rights??? BOL!!!!!! Yeah, who am I kiddin'!!! OF COURSE you can!!!! hehehehe
    Your Moms flowers are SO much prettier than my Ma's flowers!!! I thinks her flowers needs your MOms touch...or me NOT chewin' on them...probably the furst one....☺
    Ruby ♥

  14. What a great tribute for Whitley! Thanks for sharing the flowers. It's been colder than average in up here by Lake Michigan and our flowers aren't doing much at all yet.

    Abby Lab

  15. Wow! We're so glad to see you, Finley! Thanks for the pictures of your beautiful flowers. They're amazing!

  16. You sure have a lot of daylilies and iris. They are all so beautiful.

  17. you have some really beautiful flowers Finley. We are looking forward to paying our honors to Whitley on Dress up for Whitley day
    Mr Bailey, hazel & Mabel


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