Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Friday, December 2, 2016

Come fly wiff me, Sammy...

Today I, Finley,  is doin' a post fur Sammy da kitty cat (if ya knows me, ya knows I luvs da kitties), from da blog, One Spoiled Cat... I guess Brinley can come along, too, but she hasn't been to da Hill Country in da Springtime so's she's gonna have to be quiet and lissen up so she learns sumthin'... (I mean, I tries wiff dese 2 pups, I tries, but.... well, dey still hasn't mastered scruffin'... whut can ya say??)

Now I realize dat dese photos is of Texas in da Springytimes... but dat is da purdiest time of year here, and evfurrybuddy needs sum cheerin' up dis week, wiff Sammy & Easy goin' to da Rainbow Bridge, so dat's whut I chose fur Sammy to visit....

Furst, let's start by headin' ovfur to Muleshoe Bend Recreational area....

Look close, Sammy, bluebonnets can come in diffurent colors....

Then, let's head on up to near Llano, they can git sum really purdy flowers there, includin' Indian paintbrush....

Next, let's head on ovfur to Willow City Loop near Fredericksburg....

Looks like sum cowboys done lost der boots..... bol, bol!!

And some showy evening primrose or buttercups as Momma called 'em growing up...

Hope ya enjoyed da tour of Texas in da Springtime, Sammy... I heard dat ya is in da Bacon Suite...if ya is, you is bound to run into Charlie Cat... he wuz da furst bacon lover round here... say him to him fur all of us, we misses dat orange dude...

And I gots a purrsonal request of ya, Sammy... see, my BFF, Whitley went to da Rainbow Bridge in May.... I still misses her tons. So can ya stop by da pool and see if she it playin' pool ball? Or if she ain't dere, she would probably be in da Bluebonnet Suite... she loved da bluebonnets... tell her I says howdy..... 

Hope ya enjoyed da flowers, Sammy, and dat seein' all dis purdiness cheered a few folks up.... Blogville has been kind of sad dis year, we's lost some good furiends.... safe journey, Sammy....

Bark ya later, gators...  (actually I lets Brinley do most of da real barkin'... she seems to be pickin' up where Whitley left off... bol, bol!!)

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Such sad news....

Well, we hasn't been writin' on here fur months cuz of all my secrementary's bizeeness wiff movin' her folks to town... dere wuz trips back and forth to Kerrville fur cleanin', and packin' and gittin' da house ready to list and takin' stuff back down dere dat dey had brought up here.

But I had convinced da Momma she needed to writes us a post and git back into da groove... and she wuz gonna do it.... she evfun took some photos fur it.

But den we got some sad news... some real sad news. One of our Blogville pals had passed away-- one of da funniest and sweetest pals to evfur be a part of Blogville.

Easy's momma wrote dat Easy lost his battle wiff da awful bloat disease last night.... words fail us... we knows all too well how it feels to lose a furry pal, the big hole dat leaves in your life and your heart.

Please head on ovfur to his blog and leave sum kind words fur his folks... we knows dere hearts must be broken...

Bark ya later, gators...

Finley, Brinley, & Crockett

Monday, September 12, 2016

Long time no post

Sorry it's been such a long time and no postin'.... but my Momma has been real bizee....

See, all of a sudden, back in July, her folks started havin' sum problums which, long story made short, resulted in dem movin' up to Plano frum Kerrville and my Momma had to keep goin' down dere-- 6 hours away--- and den had to be lookin' fur a senior apartment fur 'em up here in Plano.

Things has settled down some... dey is moved in, her Dad is outta da physical rehab place and sum birthdays came and went.... Momma still has a lot of work ahead of her, though. She and Dad are goin' down to Kerrville to load up some more stuff and I heard roomers of a road trip with Brinley and Kinley and me down dere to do sum  more cleanup 'round da end of da month.... bet Brinley races round dat backyard of ders....

So, I'm checkin' in.... tomorrow Momma promises to post sum new fotos of me & Brinley... we gets along pretty gud... and here we are, makin' a pup sandwich in Momma's lap wiff Crockett as da fillin'...bol, bol...

And here's a foto of Brinley in da window.... she's sittin' dere just like Crockett did in Momma's favorite foto of him... 

And yers trooley.... of course... lookin' svelte in navy...

I made Momma write fur me tonight, well, cuz today woulda been my BFF's, Whitley's, 14th birthday... last year we celebrated wiff a road trip to Sanibel, Florida... My BFF luved da beach, and I is real glad she got to visit it agin.... Here's sum pics frum her birfday last year...

I still misses ya, BFF.... I's bin tryin' to teach these young'uns how to scruff--aka donkey kick-- like you tawt me... but so far, dey hasn't picked it up. Dey did learn how to fetch purdy qwik... 

We gots a problum wiff da teachin' 'em pool ball.... apairuntly dey is under da false impresshun dat da kitchin shud be da site of an indoor swimmin' pool... oops. I's grred 'em a few times when dey needed it... but I can't seem to master da Elvis lip curl dat ya used on me... Oh well... I tries.
Just know dat I luvs ya to da moon and back, BFF... furevfur and evfur....

Bark ya later, gators.....

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Wellness CORE Grain-Free Protein Bars from Chewy

Hi y'all!  Things are goin' pretty good wiff da younguns.  I's still Head of Security, but I can tell they's got the makings of good deputies.  Anyways, training those two is tuff work, so I wuz happy dat I got to test out some treats today as a break.  Chewy, da online pet store dat delivers foods and treats right to your doorstep, sent me da Wellness CORE Grain-Free Protein Bars in Salmon and Whitefish with Pomegranates.  And yeah, I coulda shared wif dem whippersnappers, but I's already havin' to share my toys and my mommas, so dese treats wuz just for me.  Well, at least fur today.

Well, dey look tasty on da bag.  Can we get to da taste-testin' part?

Dese Wellness CORE Grain-Free Protein Bars is made outta salmon, whitefish, peas, flaxseed, natural flavor, cane molasses, salt, broccoli, carrots, pomegranates, mixed tocopherols, dried cultured skim milk, and rosemary extract.

NO grains, and nuthin' I's allergick to!! And dey is made in da USA!  

Dose are protein-focused treats wif no by-products, corn, soy, or artifishul colors, flavors, or preservatives.  And dey are only 21 calories per treat.  Not dat dat are an isshoe for skinny minnie me, but it are good to know.

Yeah, dese treats are nice and BIG.  Too big for lil pups.  See, I are just lookin' out for my lil sisters.  Yeah, dat's da ticket.  

Now dat there are these two lil ones around, ya has to eat fast, so yeah, I's a lil blurry.

This Wellness CORE Grain-Free Protein Bar hit the spot!  Can I have anudder??

It are only 21 calories and I ARE skinny - how bout da whole bag??

I gives dese yummy treats four paws up and one happy waggin' tail! We wuz impressed by Chewy's super speedy shipping -- my treats came right away! Thanks for lettin' me taste test 'em,  Chewy!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, I wuz provided the treat for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for my opinion. Howevfur, if anyone wants to send me an all expenses paid vacashun to da beach, well, I wouldn't be opposed... just sayin'....

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Dubble Trubble.... should be Trubble in Triplicate!

Howdy, puppers, Finley here... gotta introduce who I'll be sharin' dis here blog wiff in da future.... Miss Brinley Evangeline....

Da title of my blog will be changing... but not da url... at least not yet. We're gonna calls it Finley & Brinley's Short Tails... (kinda a play on werds cuz we's got short tails so we can't call it Tall Tails...)

I's seen where a bunch of ya pups is wonderin' whut I thinks bout Dubble Trubble... well, I thinks us girl pups shud be called Trubble in Triplicate.... cuz I's teachin' 'em evfurrythang 'bout bein' a rascal and dey is learnin' it real qwik!

I dinn't teach 'em 'bout whinin' and cryin' to git outta da crate at night cuz I duzn't wanna share da beds wiff 'em... least not yet.... dey ain't eggsactly housebroken and I don't fancy swimmin' in da middle of da night if ya knows whut I means.... bol, bol!!!

I really likes dese lil gurl pups... I wuz missin' Whitley sumthin' awful and dey is real sweet to me... problum is, sumtimes I don't knows which one to try to sit wiff cuz dey's boff so cute... so I sits in da middle of da floor right smack in between where dere sittin'..... last night, me and Brinley shared da recliner wiff Momma.... it wuz real nice... she has real gud manners and dinn't pester me at all... just snuggled up to me a lil.....

Before I turns dis entry ovfur to my lil sis, I thought I'd share a flashback pic of me as a pup.... I wuz kinda cute den myself....

And now wiffout further ado, my new lil sis....

Howdy,  evfurryone!! It's Brinley here.... I come from Ohio, from Starlight Westies.... my new Momma thinks dey breeds "magic pups" dere cuz she's nevfur had a pup dat dinn't make a fuss 'bout bein' put in a crate at night, just went to sleep like a gud gurl... she sez me and Kinley are da bestest pups evfur! I'm lookin' forward to when I gits bigger and gits to sleep in da big bed like Finley but I gots to learn to always potty outside.... not just sum of da time. Whutevfur... my crate has a nice comfy pillow to sleep on and I likes it just fine... 

I also likes how dere is so many other beds 'round here.... like dis crab one I's nappin' in here in da kitchen...

We gots loads of toys round here.... loads of 'em... and me and Kinley luvs to play togefur... Finley evfun played wiff us sum yesterday... she wuz tryin' to teach us to fetch.

I wants dat watermelon, Kinley....

An action shot of Kinley!!

We likes to tug together....

Kinley, don't be a toy pig... (she alwayz wantz da toy in my mouf....) dis watermelon is mine! Fur now, anyways...

Sumtimes in da middle of playin', we takes a lil nap... I'z discuvfurred dat Kinley's fanny makes a nice pillow....

Kinley's Momma made me dis dress... I'z a buddin' fashionista, doncha think???

Well, dat's all fur now.... time fur my nap 'fore dinner.... and den it's play, play, play... and snooze, snooze, snooze....

We's got a Faceybook page fur us puppies fur dose of you ovfur dere...just click And if ya needs to find Kinley's  blog, just click on her name in our post...

Bark ya later, gators.... (Finley tole me to say dat!)