Sunday, June 28, 2015


Well,  I knows I ain't written on here in quite a while... Momma's excuse is dat she is bizee and blah, blah, blah... Meanwhiles, we bin makin' our mornin' zombie patrols, swimmin' sum, and protectin' da homefront frum invaders....

Like da sprinkler repairmen.

I'll try and show ya da photos of Momma's blah, blah tomorrow....

But I made her git on here and I read sum posts of my pals... so much has bin happenin'... Sweet William don't hafta have surgery,  Sasha's folks welcomed home a new pup name of Ziggy, and my pal, Charlie, down dere in Oz, got a chunk taken outta him...


Dis here film is fur Charlie, to help cheer him up.... and cuz no matter whutevfur mischief he evfur gits into, he will always be an angel compared to these pups...

These Three Cheeky Whippets...

Hope dat gave ya a chuckle, Charlie.... and evfurryone else, too....

Bark ya later, gators....


  1. Replies
    1. Guess dey wuz doin' sum designer "redecoratin' of his bed" !!! lol!!!

  2. We don't think those whippets look the least bit sorry!

    Hope it makes Charlie feel better. He had to miss out on birthday cake AND ice cream.......poor boy.

    1. Dey akshually looks kinda proud of demselves....

  3. woah that pups are pretty cool... they marked the way back to that stylish couch, like in that fairytaile but they had no breadcrumbs right?
    easy rider

    1. Dat were dere Daddy's bed, I thinks... but it sure don't look like a bed no more!!!

  4. Pawfect timing on this one.... Poor Charlie has had a Bad time lately... and this will Have to cheer him up a BUNCH.... those were "BAD" dogs... and LOVING IT... BOL

  5. And Charlie I know 'eats' his beds, but um...this is way more fun, BOL!!

    I think those pups' peep(s) were a wee bit upset to come home to that! OMD!!!

    Yup, Charlie will either get ideas or fun dreams but fur sure he will be cheered up!

  6. BOL...We are sure this will cheer Charlie up for sure!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  7. OMD!!!! I so wish I had've been there. They even got his hat. OMD!!! That's the funniest thing I've EVER seen. Thankyou Finley!! AND you thought you terrier blokes knew how to have a good time?? Crikey ...... that's way too funny, aye?? Now you know why I NEVER get left alone for more than two hours and even then I'm not given free run of the house. They leave me in my crate. I EAT my bed!!! I've eaten so many of MY beds that they now buy 'em from St Vinnies. Crikey ..... I wish I'd have been there with those three. What a frenzy it must have been, aye? They ate the peeps bed. No ..... they devoured the peeps bed. I'm so deprived ...... I need brothers. 'Go away Mum ....... oh ..... ok ..... but make it short .....'
    *Thanks Finley. I can't get enough of that video. I just keep watching it over and over. I've never laughed so much in all my life. If that hasn't turned everyone off ever owning a whippet nothing would. Mind you it's the best move I ever made. It did take some getting used to and knowing how to deal with but our Charlie is the sweetest bloke in the world. Don't tell him I said that!! His head is big enough now. I'm sure if I left him at home alone with free run of the house I'd have a similar video to show you on my return. Way too funny, Finley ..... thanks!! You've made our day!!

    1. Glad you and yer Mum enjoyed da video, Charlie... we's watched it ovfur and ovfur.... dose whippets look toadally unrepentant... bol, bol!! In fact, we thinks dey looks kinda proud of demselves!

  8. Seriously ~ to come home and find out your dogs had torn your entire bed down to the springs Holy Guacamole! Lee would be so stunned, dazed or in a semiconscious state she would not know what to do. Why if you only had that one bed guess you would be sleeping on the floor.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

    1. Ain't dat crazee, Sweet William??? Makes us terrierists look like angels!!

  9. OMC Weez almost speechless. We can't magine makin' dat kind of mess. After ll, weez sleep on da bed too. Whhere awe they posed to sleep now?. MOL

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. Dat's a real gud questchun.... 'specially since da owner has sed dey's chewed up sofas, too... wonder if dere is anyfing left uther dan da ground??

  10. I think that whippet owner needs a better plan!! Gotta keep those active dogs busy!


  11. Holy Puppies, Mommy says not to give me any ideas(snickers). I bet Charley loved it.

    Ziggy Out!!


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