Thursday, August 14, 2014

Packages in da mail-- and they's fur me!!

On Tuesday and Wednesday, da Fed Ex man rang our doorbell... Well, ya pups know Whitley and me-- we commenced to a'barkin' and run dat dude right offa our property! Ya can't be too careful wiff dose delivery dudes... dey could be zombiez in disguise!!

Dis one went and left some packages fur us.... Dis wuz da package on Tuesday...

Hmm... wonder whut's in dere....

Look at dis... a nicely wrapped package....Momma were very impressed wiff da presentation, she said.. and the weight-- this sucker was heavy!! Da tag says PawNosh... hmmm... dat looks like how I'd spell dat frenchie word panache.. clever....

Open it, Momma, hurry up!! 

It are a new drinking bowl! Ain't it purdy?? 

Look evfun Crockett gots to check it out!!

Fill 'er up, Momma, so's I can try it out! Quit photo-bombin' me, Crockett!!!

 Yummy! Dis bowl gets da Finley slurp of approval!!

And on Wednesday, we gots anudder package from PawNosh and dis one had 2 boxes inside....

Two smaller bowls dis time... fur me and Whitley to eats outta...

And once again, a kitty has to check it out... today it were Travis...

Us pups ate out dinners that night outta da bowls and we ate ev'ry kibble... we sure likes da purdy glass bowls from PawNosh and Momma luvs 'em... she says they comes with a lifetime warranty and they are so nice and heavy! All of us critters like da water bowl, it keeps da water nice and cool-- evfun Maurice has drunk from it-- and dat's sayin' sumthin'!!

If you is interested in gettin' yer own bowls, go on ovfur to da PawNosh website. They is on vacashun now so they's running a special until August 26th-- 15% off with da code BEACH15. Momma plans on getting some small bowls fur da kitties, they calls dem da Cubby Bowl. Da big bowl is called da Cubby Bowl Deluxe

All da bowls is made from recycled glass, and dey comes in orange or green as well as aqua. They each have a number etched on da bottom and come wiff a certificate of authenticity and a lifetime warranty against breakage. They is hefty and well-built, as well as good-lookin'. Dishwasher safe, but no microwave or oven. Glass is da safest things fur us pets to eat out of... it's da onliest thing da FDA regards as generally safe fur hoomans. 

Actually, I just think Momma thinks they is purdy... she has a thing fur shiny objects...

(Oh, and dis review is just cuz we likes 'em, we didn't get 'em free or nuthin'....)

Bark ya later, gators...


  1. I likes our new bowls too BFF, dey sure are pretty.

  2. OMD! They're so chic. We only have an old ice cream container for water.

    1. Well, I guess we's got Crockett to thank... he broke my old bowl by knocking it offa da counter and so Momma started lookin' fur a new one and found these!

  3. Crikey they sure are pretty bowls. I'm going to check 'em out but they probably don't ship to Aussie, aye? Mum loves glass stuff.

    1. I don't think they duz, Charlie, cuz they's so heavy!

  4. Ohh! Like!
    An they are in a purdy color too, huh FinleyMom?
    That Crockett an his snarky cat face. Gosh, he's gettin big.

    I'm gonna have Mommy go check out that PawNosh place.

    1. He is getting big-- he's ovfur twice as big as when we got him!! And so much bigger than da uther boy cats when dey wuz his age!

  5. It looks great, like a bowl of a five star restaurant! And it's a super foot bath bowl for Crockett too. 4 whole paws for this pawesome bowls!

    1. Thanks, Easy! And once we filled it, he's kept his paws out....bol!

  6. Yes!! So purdy! And pawractical, too.
    I think the aqua one would be nice...a whole set of em, BOL!
    Minko once got that dreaded acne junk from a plastic bowl, so now we eat out of pyrex bowls or ceramic...well the kitties do.
    I eat out of a plastic bowl, (Easy to use at mealtime and then wash.), but my water is in pyrex.

    Maybe I can put those on our Christmas wish list!

    1. Yeah, wiff all my allergeez, Momma thought this might be a good way to, she thinks they're purdy...

  7. Very pretty and so colorful! This is Wesley`s dad commenting!

  8. Wow Finley,you are eating and drinking very posh these days. Most impressed.
    Toodle pip!

  9. finley...sum perch in thoze bowls N yur set !!!

    ( high paws travis & crockett ☺☺☺ )

    1. Dose orangies don't need no high paws to photo-bomb-- bol!!!

  10. Wowsa!! Those are pawsome Finley!!! I have to have heavy bowls or else they go scooting across the floor! BOL Butts, the ones for bigger doggies like MOI, are a little outta Ma's price range for now, butts I do have it on my wishlist!!
    Ruby ♥

    1. They is real heavy-- don't think ya'd be scootin' 'em around. They is kinda high, but they do have a lifetime guarantee against breakin', so it might be da last bowl yer Ma would evfur have to buy.... at least dat's whut my Mama told herself..bol!

  11. Those are some pawesome new dishes Finley!!! It was very nice of you to let the kitty have a turn with it!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

    1. Oh, they's welcome to sniff it-- as long as it's empty!! bol!

  12. I just wanna know when I am gettin mine - or when I can eat da food outta yours!

    1. I'll get Momma to order yours... don't be messin' wiff mine when it's got food in it!


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