Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I's an Influenshul Blogger!! Well, dat's whut da kitties sez....

Thanks to my kitty pals, Travis & Crockett, fur nominatin' me fur da Most Influenshul Blogger Award!! Yippee!! I luvs gettin' awards!!

(Though I suspect dose kitties is butterin' me up so's I looks da udder way whiles dey steals da bacon! Dat's whut one of dem did on Saturday-- a whole piece went missin' and Crockett were caught up dere in da middle of eatin' about a third of anudder piece. My money is on Travis fur da whole missin' one since he were snoopin' up dere and den he ran off -- probably wiff dat piece of da bacon in his mouff....)

So I's supposed to nominate 10 udder bloggers-- which I will, at da end of my post, and tell ya my favoritest song.

Hmm... dat are kinda hard since I likes a lot of songs (I's got a speshul song Momma sings to me, "Finny Face"-- to da tune of "Funny Face"... "I luvs yer Finny Face...".... but luckily fur you guyses, nobuddy have evfur recorded Momma singin' it... probably cuz it would break da recordin' equipments....)....

So which song to pick? As ya probably knows, I's a proud Texas Terrierist, born right ovfur in Cowtown, also known as Fort Worth.... so it's only right dat my favorite songs is about my home state... Texas.... Da furst is a lil ditty 'bout bein' from Texas... hee hee....

Next up is one from Mr. Willie Nelson....

And dis last one is from King George, Mr. George Strait... it sums up how I feels 'bout my Momma and how she feels 'bout me...

Hope ya pups enjoyed da musical interlude... 

Here's a photo of me...chillin' wiff my chicken. Today were a purdy chill day.. well, aside from da fact it were in da 100s! We went on our early mornin' zombie patrol, and Whitley barked at evfurrything and did a zombie imitashun by refusin' to move... Okay, maybe it weren't a zombie imitashun, cuz evfun zombies move in a kinda shufflin' walk and she were plankin'.... Ya heard 'bout plankin', ain't ya? It were a craze a coupla years ago, where ya lays down like a plank in da road, a yard, wherevfur... Whitley seems to have decided to get in on da craze a few years late, but whatevfur...

Now fur passin' dis award forward.... I gives it to....

1. Goose
2. Bella
3. Fizzy
4. Bertie
5. Hazel
6. Misty
7. Freckles
8. Jelly
9. Duncan
10. Ruby

Bark ya later, gators... and don't go plankin' in da middle of da road...


  1. Thanks for not rattin me out, oops, don't let your momma see dat one Finley! And pawsome song choices!

    1. You wuz after da bacon agin tonight, Travis!! Seriously dude, ya gots an addickshun!

  2. It are not plankin, I are just preparin for a zombie attack by practicin flattenin myself to da ground so da zombies won't see me and I can spring up and surprise em. Yeah, dat are it.

  3. Those are great songs! My MOM's family is from Texas and it holds a special place in her heart. She tells me about all the fun she has had on Lake Travis (her aunt and uncle live on the lake). AND WOW I can not believe I was nominated. Thank you so much. I really am speechless.

    1. Lake Travis is a real fun place... so's Austin... You deserves da honor, Goose!

  4. Cross my Heart is Mom & Dad's wedding song! thanks for nominating me Finley,
    you are a sweetheart!

  5. Congratulations, you picked great songs! Cross my heart is just wonderful, isn't it?

  6. finley

    catz due knot like bacon

    HA !!!!!!! N now for R next random false fax..... ♥

    1. Hahaha... dat fax is fur shure false... in fact, Travis tried to steal some bacon tonight! He and Crockett are bacon fiends!!!

  7. Congratulations on your award Finley and we DID enjoy the musical interlude (especially Lyle Lovett).
    And thank you so much for nominating me. Sadly, Gail has always refused to allow me to accept awards, on the grounds that I am "quite big headed enough already". I tell her this is not a very Texan attitude but she rightly points out that she is from England not Texas and we here are suspicious of any 'tall poppies' in our fields.
    Toodle pip!

    1. Big headed enuff?? What da woof?? Dat are fur shure anti-Texan!! But dat are okay, I guess ya could say us Americans has shown some anti-British attitudes in da past... well, anti-Mad King George anyways...bol! Here in da Lone Star State da bigger da better... no brag, just fact! As dey say... don't ask a pup if dey's from Texas... if dey is, dey'll tell ya. If dey ain't, why embarrass 'em?

  8. Thanks for the award. We don't know if we influence anyone, but Bella is happy you thought of her.

    Our dumb computer is on a 'go slow' this morning, so it won't play your songs....drat.

    1. Dat stinks... dey's real good uns... well, maybe later...

  9. Oh, MY!!
    Congrats, Finley!
    My kitty brofurs did this award...and now its my turn,BOL!

    Thanks and one of these days or weeks I will get to it, you 'hit' growlmy at a busy time...go figure!
    And Molly The Wally asked me to do a blog fur her, too...I might combine them, seems a good fit.

    I won't be doing it tomorrow, though, Growlmy is going to be gone all day...sigh...yard duty fur me...its supposed to be a nice day, so my doggy nest in the porch will be warm and 'sunpuddled'. And then she has work the next two days...and then the weekend she has to work...Labor Day. Sigh and more sighs...BOL!
    Too bad she can't recruit pawppy to do blogging fur me, BOL!!

    1. Whenevfur yur Momma can do it, Freckles-- sounds like she is real bizee right now... laborin' on Labor Day... dat stinks!

  10. OMD, THANKS BUNCHES for pickin' me Finley!!! butts, how am I gonna pick just three??? I gots to thinks about this lots....
    Okays, now I heard abouts Whitley 'plankin' in the neighbors yardie, and everythings, and I say it was just to weed out the zombies. That's it.
    Oh, and bacon...yes please!
    Ruby ♥

    1. Bacon is da yummiest.... and I's sure Whitley appreciamatates ya defendin' her, but I still think she's just plankin'.....

  11. Wow. Thanks for the award!!!! We love those Texas songs of course. Guess I better start thinking of some California songs now!!!

    1. There are some real good uns to choose from-- California Dreamin', California Gurls, Meet Me in California, Hotel California....

  12. Did you not learn anything during safety week....no plankin in the road EVER! Smell ya later gator.

    Aroo to you,

  13. You are very deserving of the award and have great taste in music

  14. Finley I loves the King George song, you sure did pick nice lyrics. Songs can tell a lot about a dog you know. I bet Goose's mom picks goods song. Did you know she told me she use to be a DJ before she was a minister.
    Thanks for stopping by my Blog
    Sweet William The Scot

  15. Finley! I wuz jus sniffin ofur at the Dogster place.
    Yu are Dog of the Week!

    Woo Hoo! Conwagsulations!

  16. Hey Finley! Eggciten news!! We popped over to Dogster ( you remember this place I hope). We have not been there in many months. Anywho there you are Dogster Dog of the Week! So congrats sweet girl.


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