But it's been a coupla weeks since we mades da switch to Verizon FIOS, so I's not really buying Momma's lame excooses... and dis are whut I thinks of 'em...

Yeah, my lil brofur, Crockett are not da onliest one dat duz a gud Razzberry!! I can do a purdy gud one, too!! Just cuz he's got himself an Instagram, don't mean he are da only one who can imitate Gene Simmons!!
Hope all y'all are doin' gud.... my Momma's been sewing a lot-- she gots a stack of jackets cut out fur me, hopefully she'll git 'em sewn up soon!! ... And pretty soon, we'll be havin' some kitchen renoovashuns goin' on... new lights, countertops, backsplash... ya gits da ideer. Mainly, it means I'll be spendin' lots of time loungin' in da folks' bed while da fixit guys is here-- or da sunroom. Either way, I'll probably be barkin' my head off! Furst, Momma needs to call da renovashun guys and git on da skedjule fur da work git done.
Here's a pic of one of my newest jackets... I think turquoise just might be my color....

Bark ya later, gators!!