Sunday, June 28, 2015


Well,  I knows I ain't written on here in quite a while... Momma's excuse is dat she is bizee and blah, blah, blah... Meanwhiles, we bin makin' our mornin' zombie patrols, swimmin' sum, and protectin' da homefront frum invaders....

Like da sprinkler repairmen.

I'll try and show ya da photos of Momma's blah, blah tomorrow....

But I made her git on here and I read sum posts of my pals... so much has bin happenin'... Sweet William don't hafta have surgery,  Sasha's folks welcomed home a new pup name of Ziggy, and my pal, Charlie, down dere in Oz, got a chunk taken outta him...


Dis here film is fur Charlie, to help cheer him up.... and cuz no matter whutevfur mischief he evfur gits into, he will always be an angel compared to these pups...

These Three Cheeky Whippets...

Hope dat gave ya a chuckle, Charlie.... and evfurryone else, too....

Bark ya later, gators....