Sunday, March 20, 2016

It's my brofur's second birthday!!

First a photo of yers truly, since it's MY blog.....

It are Crockett's second birthday today. We got bacon at breakfast and he gots lotsa toys and a birthday bandana from Whit's momma.... some of his toys light up... and da uthers is full of da nip.... and ya knows how da kitties luvs da nip...

And now on to my incriminatin' fotos of my baby brofur, only 2 years old, and stoned on da catnip...

He decided to take a birthday selfie....

I tells ya, dat nip is so powerful stuff-- if ya is a kitty..... Happy Birthday, lil brofur!! Ya is a purdy gud brofur fur a lil orange kitty dude...

See dat wallpaper in da background of da Crockett fotos? Well, Momma is gonna start rippin' it off da walls in prep fur da kitchen reno that will start in early May. She has hated it since we moved in and can't wait to git rid of it! bol, bol!!

For all y'all up where da flowers aren't bloomin' yet, Momma tossed in a coupla pics of da furst of her bearded irises...

And our azaleas are just startin' to bloom...

And Momma saw a few bluebonnets on da way to Kerrville and back but she says dey haven't "peaked" yet...Y'all will see some colors uther than blue in dis foto cuz it was taken at Wildseed Farms where dey stopped and bought some seeds fur da summer.... cosmos and zinnias... 

I'll try to bark in agin later dis week, if I can git Momma to quit perusin' appliances online and just go ahead and buy sum already!!

Bark ya later, gators!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

It's March Madness! Well, not really, but I got yer attenshun...

Well, February came and went and way down here in Texas, Spring has SPRUNG! Well, at least Momma sure hopes so since she went and took all da plants outta da sunroom and put 'em back outside.  It were a big job and I snoopervised it all! Okay, whut I really did wuz hop up on one of da outside chaise lounges and take a nap but ya evfur watched anyone drag out pot after pot?? It are B-O-R-I-N-G!

I'm doing fine... kinda itchy, but I's always itchy. We've been gettin' to go on lotsa walks... da Bradford pear trees is bloomin' ... and da daffydils, too. Soon it will be bluebonnet time...

Gotta go, Momma's got anudder home remuddlin' guy comin' tomorrow mornin' to give her an estimate 'bout da kitchen...

Here's a recent photo in case ya furgot whut I looks like... bol, bol!

And here's one of a sunset we saw last week in our nayborhood... look at dem colors!

Bark ya later, gators!